urgent adj. 1.紧急的,迫切的。 2.催促的,硬要的,极力主张的,纠缠不休的。 an urgent telegram 急电。 be in urgent need of (help) 急需(援助)。 on urgent business 因急务。 an urgent motion 紧急动议。 He was urgent with me for [to disclose] further particulars. 他硬要我说得更详细点。 adv. -ly
He leaves for tokyo on urgent business by the7o ' clock express this morning 他因急事今早乘7点钟的快车去东京了。
I was informed this morning that i was to fly to birmingham this evening on urgent business 今天早上我被通知,今天晚上我要飞往伯明翰处理一件急事。
Lin da has to call mr . bell to cancel the appointment which has been scheduled for tuesday , because mr . liu has been suddenly called away on urgent business 林达打电话给贝尔先生取消星期二的约见,因为刘先生突然有急事被叫到别处去处理问题了。
I am sorry to tell you that i shall not be able to come to dinner on friday , 12th may , because i am leaving town on urgent business this thursday morning and will not be back until 15th 十分抱歉,我不能应邀于5月12日(周五)同您共进晚餐.因有紧急公务,我将于周四早晨离开本市, 15日才能回来